

Did you know ...? The EU aims to reach zero road deaths by 2050 

Did you know ...? The EU aims to reach zero road deaths by 2050 

26 / 06 / 23

Worldwide, injuries claim the lives of 4.4 million people each year. One third of these deaths are caused by road accidents [1]. In fact, road crashes are the leading cause of death for adolescents. Many of the adolescents involved in accidents were VRUs [2]. Therefore, increasing road safety and the associated reduction of fatalities due […]

AWARE2ALL at EUCAD 2023: The Future of Automated and Connected Driving in Europe

AWARE2ALL at EUCAD 2023: The Future of Automated and Connected Driving in Europe

18 / 05 / 23

The European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD 2023) took place on 3-4 May 2023, bringing together policy makers, industry experts, researchers and other stakeholders to discuss the future of automated and connected driving in Europe. The conference focused on the latest developments and innovations in connected and automated driving technology, as well as […]
